Friday, January 06, 2006

The Pro-war Libertarian Quiz

Wherein I pause a moment to consider important issues

Matt Welch has an interest column and quiz up over at The Pro-war Libertarian Quiz. There's some preamble, so read it and consider his questions. In general, I'm supportive of the invasion of Afghanistan and Iraq and would point to Steven Den Beste's Strategic Overview as being a good representation of my views. Not that I'm using this space to debate war or politics, but just to give you a roadmark for my answers.

Quick note on politics. I don't belong to a party and have never voted along party lines. That includes big L Libertarian. I am attracted to little l libertarian ideals, but make no claims to ideological purity. From where I sit, at least libertarianism is some sort of ideology that can be argued with, unlike the Democratic party whose ideology is "we're not Republicans." and the Republican party whose ideology is "we're not Democrats."

On with the questions, my answers in bold. You can discuss further at:

  1. Should the National Security Agency or CIA have the ability to monitor domestic phone calls or e-mails without obtaining judicial approval? NO
  2. Should the government have the ability to hold an American citizen without charge, indefinitely, without access to a lawyer, if he is believed to be part of a terrorist cell? NO
  3. Can you imagine a situation in which the government would be justified in waterboarding an American citizen? NO
  4. Are there American journalists who should be investigated for possible treason? Should Sedition laws be re-introduced? NO. NO
  5. Should the CIA be able to legally assassinate people in countries with which the U.S. is not at war? YES
  6. Should anti-terrorism cops be given every single law-enforcement tool available in non-terrorist cases? This doesn't make sense to me. I'd agree with this comment left at I think your (6) should be reversed: should regular cops be given every single law-enforcement tool available in terrorist cases? And I would answer that in the negative.
  7. Should law enforcement be able to seize the property of a suspected (though not charged) American terrorist, and then sell it? NO
  8. Should the U.S. military be tasked with enforcing domestic crime? NO
  9. Should there be a national I.D. card, and should it be made available to law enforcement on demand? NO
  10. Should a higher percentage of national security-related activities and documents be made classified, and kept from the eyes of the Congress, the courts, and the public? NO


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