Sunday, September 14, 2008

Joan Armatrading

Wherein if I were to make a list of my favorite 100 songs this would be near the top

This would also be on there. Two Nice Girls combining Love and Affection with Sweet Jane:

Speaking of Lou Reed, I love this song by Marisa Monte and only recently discovered it's originally a Velvet Underground song:

There's a live version of this song with Lou Reed and Pete Townshend. I'd prefer this one, Waiting For the Man:

One of my favorite Pete Townshend songs is Face the Face. This is the video version, which is better than what was released on the White City album:


Blogger reader_iam said...

Wherein you must know (so know) that the Armatrading song highlighted would be (so is) on my top list, too.

Wow. Now I'm thinking: Wow, with all the stuff I've linked over time, did I fail to link that one? That would be a sad thing.

Bill, I LOVED coming across this video today. Excellent (though no doubt entirely incidental and coincidental) timing. I needed that! And now I'm dialing up The Armatrading ... just what I needed, but have been too elsewhere to stop and notice.


9/17/2008 02:13:00 AM  
Blogger bill said...

I did not know. And I do not recall you linking it.

We saw her in concert a few years ago. Great show, though as a male married to a woman I was greatly outnumbered by women not married to men.

9/17/2008 07:07:00 AM  

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