Monday, December 12, 2005

Adding penguins to the menu

March of the Penguins was an enjoyable movie, but, dang, those are a lot of penguins. I'm sure no one would notice if a couple went missing. It's not like the penguins much cared if a youngin' froze to death, either. So, my task for the weekend was to find some recipes for the menu?

Any luck?

Not exactly. I would've thought someone in New Zealand or Chile or the Falklands, or even South Africa would have a recipe for roast penguin. If they do so, I haven't found it. I did come across references that plenty of people, particularly the early antarctic explorers, have eaten penguin and penguin eggs, though it's never seemed to be a common practice. While I have no actual recipes, here's a couple links:
  • Some people eat penguin eggs.
  • Before the Heroes Came: Antarctica in the 1890s mentions: Dr. Frederick Cook--better known for his North Pole rivalry with Robert Peary--who served brilliantly on the Belgica expedition, saving the crew by discovering the benefits of eating penguin to stave off scurvy.
  • An abstract is available for Train Oil and Snotters. The article itself costs $12, and that's just too much to spend without knowing if the article contains actual penguin recipes. The column is discussed at Expedition news:
    The February issue of 'Gastronomica,' a "journal of food and culture" published by the University of California Press (, includes a 13,000-word article on eating Antarctic wild foods titled, "Train Oil and Snotters," by Jeff Rubin. Although seals, penguins, albatrosses and other seabirds are now protected by the Antarctic Treaty, early explorers and sealers ate them frequently - and not just when they were starving, Rubin reports.

  • Vaguely humorous site with fake recipes.


Blogger Ahistoricality said...

Instead of eating them, you could eat like them: lots of raw fish, with long intervals....

12/12/2005 08:55:00 PM  

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