Tuesday, February 17, 2009

The streak is dead, long live the streak

The Child's favorite character from "High School Musical" is Sharpay This should probably be cause for concern

1. Brazil and ??
2. The one about the two high school baseketball players.
3. Fall to the ground in agonizing agony.
4. Valentines Day.
5. Twilight Zone.
6. Anthony Burgess. Wrong, the Burgess book would be called Droog
7. Looks like my streak is ending. My hail mary guess for half credit is "something to do with Bo" or based on a couple minutes in wiki, a baseball player who is ambidextruous. Though rare, doesn't seem unique enough to work. One side note of interest is that when Ringo Starr quit the Beatles he hung out on Peter Sellers yacht until the other three lesser insects begged him to come back. It's true, I read it on wikipedia.


Blogger XWL said...

1. Guyana, Georgetown (and Brasil, Brasilia), why isn't Guyana ever in the news?

2. Hoop Dreams, but your answer would probably be acceptable.

3. I think it's the fancy name for folks who sneeze when in bright light, but agony sounds good, too (imagine having the sneezing in bright light thing as well as the "sneezing induced by sexual ideation or orgasm" problem, too)

6. I would have guessed Burgess incorrectly as well, even though I should know better since Burgess got Droog from the Russian друг, but since you eliminated the wrong answer for me, I'd guess Phillip K. Dick would be the go to sci-fi author who had a troubled ending (plus, Simmons sort of apes his style from time to time, so would seem like a natural subject).

7. Married to Bond Girls is the common bond, I'm guessing, using wiki Wagner-Jill St. John, Ringo-Barbara Bach, Peter Sellers-Britt Ekland, Charlie Sheen-Denise Richards, Richard Gere-Carey Lowell, John Derek-Ursula Andress, Benjamin Bratt-Talisa Soto and the baseball player that comes to mind to have been married to a former Bond Girl would be David Justice-Halle Berry.

There's no way I'd come close to that answer without wiki, Talisa Soto?, come on, did anyone every actually watch the Dalton Bond films?

Also, Justice hasn't had an at bat since 2002, so Ken should have said ex-ballplayer to avoid confusion.

2/17/2009 10:51:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

6. think Dickens...The Mystery of Edwin Drood was his final, unfinished novel.

2/18/2009 02:39:00 PM  

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