Edited for my reality
Wherein I scrawl graffiti on a funny comic
Anyone read the Day By Day cartoon? I don't always catch it, but enjoy it when I do. I borrowed one from the other day and edited the last bubble. Sorry, Chris.
The original. And my version:
Anyone read the Day By Day cartoon? I don't always catch it, but enjoy it when I do. I borrowed one from the other day and edited the last bubble. Sorry, Chris.
The original. And my version:

It's so easy for some folks to make fun of marketing departments and their reliance on bubble headed but attractive ex soroity girls for staffing.
(You were expecting a 'but' followed by a rejoinder, but you'd be wrong, it is easy to make fun of marketing, and they so richly deserve it)
(and the one corporate gig I had, the entire marketing dept were ex TriDelts, scary scene, that)
You're my hero, Bill.
Yeesh. A department full of Tri-Delts? All I can remember of them from my UGA days was that they were all blond Barbie dolls and this stupid little saying: "Delta Delta Delta, Can I help ya help ya help ya?"
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