April 29, 2007 to May 5, 2007
Wherein The statistics are alarming. Television sets continue to multiply like evil cells in a jar, computers spew out information, while they propagate and proliferate like hamsters. People who live as slaves to the computer and television do not really need to know how to read; they move their lips and hold a finger under the line of copy they are reading, just like the average freshman university student--and sophomore, and junior. Seniors still move their lips, but they use their fingers to touch their genitals instead of underlining. None of the above-mentioned read books, unless it is the thin, large-print, full-of-pictures books on how to operate a computer.
Except for the wherein, which is mine, that's the first paragraph of W.P. Kinsella's The Book Buyers, the penultimate chapter/story from his collection, The Alligator Report (1985).
Except for the wherein, which is mine, that's the first paragraph of W.P. Kinsella's The Book Buyers, the penultimate chapter/story from his collection, The Alligator Report (1985).